Why am I getting Josuke vibes from this?
Why am I getting Josuke vibes from this?
I based the look on the delinquent characters you see in a lot of manga. Rokudenashi Blues was the main inspiration. But if I recall Josuke's meant to be a delinquent too, haven't actually read part 4, so I couldn't say for certain.
She's a hotie.~
Thnx mang
Thank! ;)
l a m p
So it turns out I was wrong.
You in deed did more about who these characters are.
I guess you can call this "visual" writing?
Step-bro help I'm stuck
I see which girl you go for.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks dude :D
Awhh! She's such a cutie! I'd love to give her all the headpats and cuddles!
Keep up the good work, when you have 4 or more pieces of art uploaded I'll happily scout you!~
I'm so glad you like her! Thank you so much!
ACMY ,seulb eht htiw nwod saw I nam gnuoy ,nam gnuoY
seohs ruoy ni ecno saw I nam gnuoy ,nam gnuoY
ACMY eht ot og tsuj dna ,ACMY
flehs eht no edirp ruoy tup ,nam gnuoy ,nam gnuoY
flesmih yb lla ti seod ,nam gnuoy ,nam oN
ACMY eht ta ti dnif ll'uoy ,ACMY
?eb annaw uoy od tahw ,nam gnuoy ,nam gnuoY
em ot gninetsil uoy era ,nam gnuoy ,nam gnuoY
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'ti ,ACMY
dnuorg eht ffo flesruoy kcip ,nam gnuoy ,nam gnuoY
nwod leef ot deen on s'ereht ,nam gnuoy ,nam gnuoY
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'ti ,ACMY
syob eht lla htiw tuo gnah nac uoY
yojne ot nem uoy rof gnihtyreve evah yehT
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
yaw ruoy no kcab uoy trats nac yehT
ACMY eht dellac ereht ecalp a s'erehT
teerts eht pu klaw a ekat ,nam gnuoy ,dias dnA
em ot pu emac enoemos nehw s'tahT
thgit os saw dlrow elohw eht tlef I
evila erew I fi derac nam on tlef I
seulb eht htiw tuo dna nwod saw I ,dias I
seohs ruoy ni ecno saw I ,nam gnuoY
leef uoy reve tahw od nac uoY
laem doog a evah nac uoy ,naelc flesruoy teg nac uoY
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
syob eht lla htiw tuo gnah nac uoY
yojne ot nem uoy rof gnihtyreve evah yehT
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
yadot uoy pleh nac yeht erus m'I
ACMY eht ot ,ereht og tsuj dnA
flehs eht no edirp ruoy tup ,nam gnuoy ,dias I
flesmih yb lla ti seod nam oN
gniht eno siht wonk ot tog uoy tuB
smaerd ruoy laer ekam nac uoy ,nam gnuoy ,dias I
?eb ot tnaw uoy od tahw ,nam gnuoy ,dias I
?em ot gninetsil uoy era ,nam gnuoY
leef uoy reve tahw od nac uoY
laem doog a evah nac uoy ,naelc flesruoy teg nac uoY
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
syob eht lla htiw tuo gnah nac uoY
yojne ot nem uoy rof gnihtyreve evah yehT
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
ACMY eht ta yats ot nuf s'tI
emit doog a evah ot syaw ynaM
dnif lliw uoy erus m'I dna ,ereht yats nac uoY
hguod ruoy no trohs er'uoy nehw ,nam gnuoy ,dias I
og nac uoy ecalp a s'ereht ,nam gnuoY
yppahnu eb ot deen on s'erehT
nwot wen a ni er'uoy esuac' ,nam gnuoy ,dias I
dnuorg eht ffo flesruoy kcip ,nam gnuoy ,dias I
nwod leef ot deen on s'ereht ,nam gnuoY
Thank you for all your comments <3 Was taking a break from here. But I appreciate it :D
Funny music birb.
Musical Avian
Joined on 4/24/20