I'm not dead, despite the announcement in my discord server 2 days ago would say (which if you're not in it you should by clicking here).
A lot has happened, lost a lot of friends, learned I have MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), nearly killed myself one too many times, and overall just shitty life quality.
But uh, I'm still here, still alive, and I don't intend to go anywhere.
Shout outs to my homies like Geo, Raiun, Darkshreaders, Cyberdevil, and a bunch of y'all for sticking with me as I slowly descended into madness and a fucking asshole. You guys are great friends and I'm lucky to have you all.
Anyways, I'd also like to announce Friday Night Funkin': Many Faces All in One.
An FNF mod that's dedicated to going against all the different portrayals I've had of myself, from now all the way back to 2015 when I first started my online presence truly. This is purely for fun and as a way to self-reflect and also vent about shit that's happened throughout this near decade of my online existence.
It's been a blast, and I love the very small community I have, it's nice.
Stay safe out there.
-Sincerely, Winkwing