I don't know what, but something is wrong.
I feel constantly alone all of a sudden, yet at the same time, feel like something is watching me every single millisecond.
It's insanity, I don't know what to do. I feel like screaming and shouting, like running away in fear. Yet at the same time I'm too scared to turn around, to so much as stare away from the computer screen.
I've refreshed my webpages on the socials I use so many times, and patiently stared at all my DMs on discord. Nothing, I don't know what to do, I'm scared. Is anything even real? Do I live in a whole other reality, and everything is just set the way it is? Am I forever stuck in some sort of endless dream? Do any of you even exist? I can't stop thinking, my heart is pounding on my chest, I just wanted to enjoy some shows, I just wanted to become popular with some form of passion.
I no longer know who I am anymore, how many other personalities have I awakened within me? It feels like there's more then one person in this body, because there is. I'm not always me, but am I even in control right now, while typing this out? I feel how they feel, I see what they see, it makes me feel like I'm in control, but I'm not.
My body refuses to stop shaking.
My writing is awful.
I can't program.
I'll never make a good game.
My ideas suck.
My art will never be more then just "decent".
My music is worse then going deaf.
I don't know anymore, I don't even feel like I have a "purpose" anymore.